personal service

Why Personal Service Trumps 100% Electronic Ordering for Commercial Printing

Technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, it’s no surprise that many businesses have turned to 100% electronic ordering for their printing needs. It’s quick, convenient, and can save time. However, when it comes to commercial printing, personal service still holds a significant advantage over electronic ordering. So let’s explain the intricacies of why personal service is better than a 100% electronic ordering service for commercial printing.

First and foremost, personal service allows for human interaction, something that is lacking in electronic ordering. When you work with a printing company that offers personal service, you have the opportunity to communicate directly with a real person. This means that you can discuss your specific needs, ask questions, and make any necessary changes to your order. This level of communication and collaboration ensures that the final product meets your expectations and is of the highest quality.

Another crucial aspect of personal service is the attention to detail that it provides. When you work with a printing company that offers personal service, you can rest assured that your order will be carefully reviewed and checked for any errors or issues. A real person will be able to catch any mistakes that may have been overlooked in an electronic ordering system. This attention to detail is especially important for businesses that require high-quality printed materials, such as brochures, business cards, or marketing materials.

Personal service also offers a level of customisation that electronic ordering cannot match. With electronic ordering, you are limited to the options and templates provided by the system. However, with personal service, you have the opportunity to work with a designer to create a unique and custom design that truly represents your brand. This level of customisation can make all the difference in standing out from your competitors and making a lasting impression on your customers.

Personal service provides a personal touch that electronic ordering simply cannot replicate. When you work with a printing company that offers personal service, you are not just another order number. You are a valued customer, and the printing company will go above and beyond to ensure your satisfaction. This personal touch can lead to a long-term relationship with the printing company, making future orders even smoother and more efficient.

Personal service also has a positive impact on the local economy. By choosing to work with a printing company that offers personal service, you are supporting local businesses and helping to create jobs in your community. By investing in personal service for your commercial printing needs, you are not only benefiting your business, but also your local community.

While electronic ordering may seem like the convenient and cost-effective option for commercial printing, personal service offers numerous advantages that cannot be overlooked. From human interaction and attention to detail to customisation and a personal touch, personal service provides a level of quality and satisfaction that electronic ordering simply cannot match. So prioritise personal service for your commercial printing needs and reap the benefits it has to offer.